Account Takeover Attack Prevention
Account takeover attack prevention is a critical step to safeguarding your company against one of the most damaging cyber threats. These attacks are growing in frequency and severity, and they have the potential to cause long-term damage to your reputation.
Password reuse: A large percentage of online users continue to re-use passwords across multiple accounts, putting them at risk from an account takeover attack if one or more of their credentials is compromised. This is an opportunity for hackers to steal valuable credentials from a user, and if there is a data breach, cybercriminals can use those stolen credentials in further attacks on other accounts.
Credential stuffing: The art of using hacker-created credentials to gain access to high-value account holders has become a lucrative and profitable crime. The underground economy that sells tools and datasets for credential-stuffing purposes has grown in size, with guides, services and stolen personal data available to be purchased for low prices.
Top Strategies for Preventing Account Takeover Attacks: A Comprehensive Guide for Individuals and Businesses
Bot detection: Identifying a bot is an essential part of successful account takeover attack prevention, as it allows you to monitor a site for suspicious behavior before the attacker has had time to move laterally. A good bot detection solution can also monitor web traffic for unusual patterns of behaviour that may indicate an account takeover attack is in progress.
Man-in-the-middle attacks: Usually performed by attackers using home internet routers or public Wi-Fi networks, these malicious hackers intercept your web traffic, gaining access to your information and usernames and passwords. They can then redirect you to fraudulent websites where they can steal your information or steal money from your bank account.
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